Service rates

Price list valid as of 1 January 2025:

Translations, per line @ 55 keystrokes From € 1.90 + VAT
Flatrate shipping incl. postage (regular mail with tracking number),
courier or express delivery will be charged extra
€ 8.00 + VAT
Rate per hour for proofreading, editing, postediting of machine translation, interpreting (at authorities, e.g. applications for marriage licences, short remote meetings), travel time € 96.00 + VAT
Full-day rates for interpreting assignments, e.g. notary appointments, meetings, events (incl. preparation time, supply of equipment, if necessary) On request
Travel (car) / per km € 0.42 + VAT
Rush/weekend charge 30 % of order value
Minimum rate € 48.00 + VAT

If you send your document for translation by e-mail, as a Word, PowerPoint or Excel file, or Scan, PDF, etc., I will quote a flat rate. This means you will know the exact cost beforehand so there will not be any surprises. Of course, I will treat all documents and information confidential.

Payment options

Clients are welcome to pay with

  • their debit cards,
  • credit cards,
  • Apple Pay,
  • Google Pay,
  • Paypal,
  • bank transfer, or
  • cash.